Feature Film

Afiche fucking sexy doll
Projects in development

Fucking sexy doll

Triple frontera entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay.

En un sordido galpón se está llevando a cabo un robo mientras en el exterior se desata una tormenta electrica.

Al darse cuenta de la fuga, cae de la camioneta una caja que se queda en el medio de la ruta solitaria.
Juan, un joven peón de 16 años mira la escena escondido corre bajo la intensa lluvia en busca de la caja pero cuando esta por llegar, un rayo cae sobre ella perforándola con su fuerza eléctrica.
Juan abre la caja y queda extasiado mirando su contenido: Es una muñeca sexual tamaño natural de latex



Mr. Argüello is the principal of a school. Day by day he checks the backpacks of all his students in search of a latent threat. Cata, a 14-year-old student, suffers an accident at the lake, and Argüello must take care of her for the next few hours while her parents are located.


Our part of the world

Early in the morning, while their son sleeps, Jazmin and Marcelo make preparations for their last family vacation together. They seem at peace with the upcoming separation, but as the sun rises, a whirlwind of intimacy, conversation and love leaves them dazed and confused.

Foto La fiesta Silenciosa 03

The silent party

Hours away from celebrating her wedding at her father’s ranch, Laura goes for a walk alone and finds an unusual party. The music and the atmosphere keep her away from the tensions for a moment until a violent event drastically changes the course of the night involving her father and her fiancé.

Foto El 5 de Talleres02

El cinco

Patón Bonassiolle, captain and midfielder of Club Atlético Talleres (Remedios de Escalada), realizes that his career as a soccer player has come to an end. He played all his life for the club, without achieving fame or fortune. At the age of 35, he must rely on his wife Ale to find a new direction in his life. Patón will have to deal with the end of his career and the farewell to his youth to find the way out of the labyrinth.

Desperté con un sueño 02

I woke up with a dream

Felipe is a teenager from La Paloma who attends an acting workshop behind his mother’s back, since she is against him becoming an actor. When the opportunity arrives to attend a casting in Montevideo, Felipe escapes by bus for the day, but when he begins to pass the stage he finds it necessary to extend his stay, and the lie falls through his fingers.

foto SangreVurdalak01

Vurdalak blood

A man returns to his home, an old house in the middle of nature, after killing a vampire, but his family wonders if he is still human.

afiche. Cuando acecha la maldad

When evil lurks

A man is incarnated by a demon in the rurality of a lost village, far from the big cities. Two brothers find this man about to give birth to evil and warn the villagers about the horror that is about to break out. They decide to get rid of the incarnated man, but the only thing they manage to do is to accelerate the process. The demon is born and begins to leave his unmistakable trail of evil. They must flee before the madness and destruction drags them down with it.

Afiche El grito del gato
Projects in development

The cat’s scream

Federico, un profesor de ciencia, se muda a un nuevo edificio y comienza una relación con su vecina, Cecilia.

Desde la primera noche su sueño es horriblemente perturbado por el persistente maullido de un gato recién nacido. Una noche el maullido cesa y Federico se encuentra con el cadáver del gato en la oscuridad del patio. Sorprendido y paranoico toma la decisión de desaparecer el cadáver. La dueña del cachorro es otra vecina, una anciana que pertenece a un culto de amantes de los gatos, quien inmediatamente sospecha del nuevo vecino maldiciéndolo con artes oscuras y ancestrales.

Federico y Cecilia verán su vida caer en una espiral de acoso y horror en el que jamás podrán callar al grito del gato.

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